Copies of Actual Letters from the Congo
DeWitt Snyder Dates: 1892 thru March 1902

Note: The letters are from the Presbyterian Historical Society, (PHS) as copies of original letters from Luebo. Because they are in original hand writing, some of the words were un-readable. The handwritten letters were transposed, (typed), to make them easier to read. I have provided one actual photo of the original hand writing as an example of DeWitt's handwriting. And yes, DW uses hyphens more than he used periods in his script.

DW was originally married to May Higinbotham Snyder in April, 1885. They sailed from New York August 31st 1892 to begin their adventures in Africa. DeWitt and May reached Luebo - May 24, 1893. May Snyder died at Leopoldville, Stanley Pool, Africa, on the 27th of May, 1896

Gertrude Wood married DeWitt Snyder on OCT 10, 1899 and accompanied him to Africa in November of 1899.

So, I hope you enjoy a view from the Congo as it was experienced in the late 19th century by my Great Grandfather Rev. DeWitt Clinton Snyder and my Great Grandmother Gertrude Wood Snyder.
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DeWitt writes a letter from England
Oct. 29, 1892 to family/friends
DeWitt writes a letter from England
Nov. 2, 1892 to Sister Fay

DeWitt writes from England
Describes the route from Liverpool
to Africa in the SS Cameroon
Dec. 2, 1892 to Sister Nellie

DeWitt writes goodbye from England
Dec. 3, 1892 to D.C.Rankin DD

DeWitt writes off coast of Wales
Dec. 7, 1892 to Sister Nellie
DeWitt Travel Journal 1 of 6
Coast of Africa

Dec. 28, 1892
DeWitt Travel Journal 2 of 6
the Bonny River

Jan. 2, 1893
DeWitt Travel Journal 3 of 6
Arab Slave Traders

Jan. 2, 1893
DeWitt's Travel Journal 4 of 6
Congo River & caravan

Feb. 2-8th, 1893 to Benza Mateka
Travel Journal 5 of 6 Caravan
Stanley Pool

March 6, 1893
May (Matie) Snyder Waiting
for Steamer to Luebo
March 9, 1893 - Leopoldville
May Snyder letter describing
full trip to Brother
Hawley - March 30, 1893
May Snyder letter to Jennie
describing African Fever

March 30, 1893
D.W. Snyder Letter
Visit from the State's Inspector General

April 10, 1893 Leopoldville
DeWitt letter
Helps Vaccinate Natives

April 26, 1893
DeWitt Travel Journal 6 of 6
from Luebo - May 27, 1893
D.W. Snyder Letter
I won't drink Palm Wine (Hilarious)
June 17, 1893
D.W. Snyder Letter
Describes Mission

June 23, 1893 from Luebo
D.W. Snyder Letter to Arthur RowBotham
Describes bricks for new Chapel
and Vents - Feb. 3, 1894
DW tells of Crisis;
Storms, Scorpion bite, Fever death,
Boa Constrictor - Feb. 20, 1894
D.W. Snyder Letter
Tradition, King's brother dies
200 men must die
July 5, 1893
DW Purchased 50 Beetle collection
Ants gnawed off the legs
July 6, 1894
DeWitt Snyder Leubo Journal
May 25 - July 24, 1894
DeWitt writes to Mr Adamson
August 29, 1894
DeWitt replies to letters received
Describes typical Mission
work for a week
September 5, 1894
DW-Bakete dispute over
death of worker

September 20, 1894
Return of Mr. Sheppard
possible State-French war
November 8, 1894
DeWitt delivers baby
Matie; African Fever
Dec. 27, 1894 & Jan 24, 1895
DeWitt Tells of Visits to 2 villages
Kalamba and Kapunga via Caravan
February 3, 1895
Describes native children,
clothing and Spring water available
February 4, 1895
Sheppard's daughter is born
Suborn skin rash on everyone
February 8, 1895
1895 April 17 Animal Chaos
Elephant destroys Banana
Plantation, Driver ants, Snakes,
Leopards, Congo Rats.
April 17, 1895
1895 Village meeting disturbance
Appearance of the Spirit
- August 5, 1895

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