The books are called Skudsmalsbog or testimonial book in English.

Testimonials are also used today. However, as a rule, they are called something else; a recommendation, proof or diploma but the purpose is the same: an evaluation of a person's working ability and social character However, there was the minor difference that the testimonial books of the past were a continuous report, where one could not get rid of a single unfortunate or incorrect appraisal from a farm or master of the house. From 1832 to 1921 this book, with personal details and testimonials (legally until 1867) from all employers, was always to be in the possession of each employee. In this period the school ordinance was brought into existence in 1814 and the testimonial book was used in order to record life already from the time one started school in the form of grades and evaluations of diligence. Vaccinations were also entered into the book and the church entered in information regarding confirmations and communion.

It is a record of the jobs they had and back then they only were allowed to change where they worked twice each year. In May and November so you will see that the entries are from those months. It is a record of the work they did and who was their employer.

Randbol Church - Ane Marie Jensen Buhl was confirmed here in 1873.
 Randbol Church

Aale Church - Johan Christian Sorensen was confirmed here in 1874.
 Aale Church

Both of these churches aren't too far away from Vejle area in Jutland.

Translations of the Skudsmalsbog book from Johan Christian Sorensen
Servants conduct book for Johan Christian Sorensen of Torringmark, Torup Parish, Vrads county, Aarhus district:

Johan Christian Sorensen, son of smallholder Soren Christian Jorgensen and his wife Christine Hansen of Torringmark and born in the same place on the 2nd of January 1860, baptized at home on the 8th of January in the same year (Baptism publicized the 28th of May) and vaccinated on the 3rd of August 1864.

The first Sunday after Easter, the 12th of April 1874 he was confirmed in Aale Church after completing school in advance.
Aale Vicarage 14th April, 1874 - P. Sorensen, Parish Priest

Work record:

1. Johan Christian Sorensen has worked for me from the 1st of November 1875 to the 1st of January 1877. - Peder Frandsen
Johan Christian Sorensen is bound to the undersigned for the salary of 140 kroner, one-third for the winter and two-thirds for the summer, from the 1st November 1878 to the 1st of November 1879.
S Holst
Petersminde the 8th of July 1878

Johan Christian Sorensen has worked for me from November 1877 to November 1878.
Lundborggaard (Lundborg farm) the 1st of November 1878
Signature unreadable

2. Reported departure from Torring Parish to Hover Parish, 30th October 1878 - Signed V. Uhrikov
Reported entry into Hover Parish No. 77
Sophienlund the 23rd of November 1878
Hans Nielsen
Parish Clerk

Johan Christian Sorensen has worked at Petersminde from the 1st November 1878 to the date below
S. Holst
Petersminde, the 1st November 1879.

3. Reported departure from Hover Parish to Vejle (No. 79)
Sophienlund the 9th of November 1879
Hans Nielsen, Parish Clerk
Reported entry - Vejle Police Department the 11th of November 1870
Signature unreadable

4. Johan Christian Sorensen has served me from the 1st November 1878 and on the 1st November 1881he is leaving his position. During these 2 years he has been a faithful, polite and good man to me and I can therefore recommend him.
Vejle, the 27th of September 1881
Signature unreadable

Reported departure from Vejle to Copenhagen
Vejle Police Department
V. Knudsen

Reported Entry
Copenhagen Police Department the 1st of November 1882
Station Nr. 6
Signature unreadable

5. Johan Christian Sorensen has been in my service from the 1st of September 1882 to the 1st of April 1883.
Volmer Jensen
Norrebrogade 60

Reported departure from Copenhagen to Maglebylille
Copenhagen Police Department the 4th of May 1883
Station Nr. 6
C. Schmidt

Reported entry
Amager Birks Police Station - The 14th of May 1883.
P. Jensen

Ane Marie Jensen Buhl C2
Born: January 2 1860
Died: 1896 – During child birth
Marr: Johan Christian Sorensen (1860-1896)
Parents: Jens Terkel Sorensen Buhl and wife Maren Lauridsen

• Anna Sorensen (abt 1886)
• Olga Sorensen (1888-1958)
• Jean Sorensen (abt 1893)
• Christian L Petersen (1896-1977) B1

Bio: Translations of the Skudsmalsbog books from Christian Lincoln Petersen’s Parents

Servants conduct book for Ane Marie Jensen Buhl of St. Lime Mark, Norup Parish, Vejle county, Torrild district:

Ane Marie Jensen Buhl, daughter of the new deceased smallholder Jens Terkel Sorensen Buhl and his surviving wife Maren Lauridsen from Lime Mark was born in Ravning on 2nd October, 1859-baptised on the 16th of the same month – vaccinated 6th June, 1860 by Hoffbauer and confirmed in Randbol Church on 1st Mikkelsdag 1873. (see note below)

• Norup Vicarage 10th January, 1874
• Blume - Parish priest for Norup and Randbol
• Reported departure from Norup Parish, Southern Bailiff to Vejle on the 2nd of May 1879.
• Jorgen Tang

1) Reported entry - Vejle Police Department 3rd May 1879 - Signature unreadable

Miss Ane Marie Jensen Buhl has served me as a housemaid and is now leaving the position of her own free will on the 1st of November. During the time she has been with me she has performed her duties with faithfulness and willingness and I therefore recommend her.
• Vejle the 24th of August 1881 Signed A. Hansen

2) Reported departure to Copenhagen, Vejle Police Department 4th December 1881- Signature unreadable

• Reported entry to Copenhagen Police Department 11th January 1882
• Station Nr. 1 - Signature unreadable

Anna Maria Jensen Buhl has served me from 1st January to 1st March in the year 1882.
• Copenhagen the 2nd March 1882- Signature unreadable; Retailer
• (1st Mikkelsdag is a Monday, the 29th September 1873. People in those days did not have much spare time so one was simply confirmed and that was that. It was the same thing regarding weddings. No big ceremonies as time was money)

3. Presented at Copenhagen Police Department 2nd March 1882 - Station Nr. 1 - Signature unreadable

Miss Anna Maria Jensen has served in my house from the 1st of March 1882 to the 1st of December 1882.
• Copenhagen the 19th December 1882
• K A Hoffman
• Senior navy lieutenant

4. Presented at Copenhagen Police Department 19th December 1882 - Station Nr. - G.C. Jensen

• I hereby attest that Miss Ane Buhl has served me as a parlour maid from the 1st of December 1882 to the 1st of May 1883 to my satisfaction.

(Son) - Christian Lincoln Petersen's & His Sisters:
CLP's Sisters
Sorensen Sisters:
Jean, Ole, Anna
Ole, Pronounced ‘Oh-Leeο’ was Olga’s nick name