Nora (Bercot) Petersen Family page

Nora's parents Francis and Emma Bercot
- Emma's mother was Justine Dodane
- Francis's mother was Pauline Bercot
Nora Bercot married Christian Lincoln Petersen
Emma & Francis had 3 children that servived;
- Franklin, Corrine and Nora.

Justine Dodane (left) Born 2/22/1828 in France
Came to America Around 1832

Emma (Dodane) Bercot with Mother Justine

Francis & Emma with son Franklin Bercot
Family Picnic that folded from the side of the car

1948 - Franklin Bercot: wife Hilda,
sister Corrine, sister Nora.
Nora's daughter Twyla and her daughter

Nora & Sister-Inlaw Hilda

Nore (Bercot) Petersen with
Son Donald and daughter Twyla

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