Rev. De Witt Snyder & Mrs Gertrude Snyder Africa
Pictures from Luebo Mission Date: 1892 - 1902 DR Congo,
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Gertrude Snyder DeWitt and Gertrude at Luebo, Africa

Nursing outfit, prior to Africa

DeWitt Home at Luebo

Side yard to Home

Gertrude with Birds

Gertrude with 8 native children

Missionaries at A.P.C.M. luebo
Rev Snyder & Sheppard

Missionaries at A.P.C.M. luebo Iban
Rev Sheppard front row, 3rd from left

Pantops Home, for the native children
Maria Fearing & Lillian Thomas 1902

Native children
Working in peanut patch

Mrs. G L Snyder's dressing room table

Natives grinding corn with mortar and pestle

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