DR. D. W. Snyder and Gertrude Wood Snyder
Reference papers
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While searching for information on my great grandfather Rev. Dr De Witt Snyder, I came across a sight where Claes Josefsson from Goteborg Sweden had written papers on the Kuba and published his Congo story on the web. In reading the papers it referenced D.W. Snyder?s diary and articles D.W. published in The Missionary. I contacted the author and received this response and a list of articles, (below): - Mark

    Dear Mark,

    Thanks for your letter! Once a year or so, my papers on the Kuba elicit some kind of response, but you're the first one to have a family relationship to any of the involved.

    I wrote these papers around 1980 and the social sciences have had to do without me since 1986. Thus, it will take me some time to discover where I put my Congo material. (Since I received your letter, we've also had our Midsummer celebrations here in Sweden, not the heathen festival it once was, but it leaves little time for serious document searches).

    All I have to send you today is a list of all of the Snyders' published items that I was able to find back then (as you see, I didn't know about the Brooklyn Eagle stuff). Most of it was published in The Missionary, which was edited by the Presbyterian Church, in fact by the "Executive Committee of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States", out of Nashville, Tenn. The City Library of Aarhus, Denmark, is where I found the complete series, but I know there is some sort of central Presbyterian library in the US, as I remember writing to them. I have yet to locate a copy of that letter (or their answer, if any) - but I'm trying. Perhaps you can find them on the Internet.

    So far, I've unearthed two small items of possible interest for you, but there must be a lot more. These I will be happy to mail you - they're old photocopies and although I'm in the scanning business myself, I think that the way they've bleached over the years, you better have the "originals".

    Of interest to you would also be, I think, Stanley Shaloff's thesis "The American Presbyterian Congo Mission: A Study in Conflict, 1890-1921". I have a photocopy which I bought from University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan. If they're still in business, you can probably buy it there too. If not, you can have mine, only it's heavy enough to cost some $20 postage...

    So, give me some time and I hope I'll be able to dig up more photocopies by and about Dr Snyder and his wives!

    Until then, kind regards

    Claes Josefsson .

The following is the list of references provided by Claes:

Snyder, May: Letter. The Missionary 27:3:99-101, 1894
Letter. The Missionary 29:6:263-264; 29:9:412-414, 1896
Letter.The Missionary 30:8:375; 1897
Letter.Luebo 28/8 1894. The Missionary 28:1:24-25, 1895
Letter.Luebo 16/6 1895. Our Workers at Luebo. The Missionary 29:1:29-30, 1896
Letter.18/10 1895 [2 parts]. The Missionary 29:2:78-80, 1896

Snyder, Gertrude Louisa Wood: Letter to Mrs. Hawkins, Luebo 18/7 1900. The Missionary 33:12:550-551, 1900
Letter Antwerp 25/4 1901. The Missionary 34:6:280, 1901

Snyder, D W (?): Letter. The Missionary 26:7:272-275, 1893

Snyder, D W: Letter Luebo 13/6 1893. The Missionary 26:11:437-438, 1893
Letter. The Missionary 27:6:222-223(?), 1894
Language Study on the Congo. The Missionary 27:6:228-229, 1894
Letter Luebo 17/10 1893. Life at Luebo.- The Missionary 27:6:233-235, 1894
Letter. The Missionary 27:6:244-245, 1894
Letters June, 4/7 1894, Luebo. The Missionary 27:11:482-485, 1894
Diary 3/9 1894-11/9 1894. The Missionary 28:4:167-170, 1895
Diary 4/10 1894-5/11 1894 + extracts from letter 28/1 1895. The Missionary 28:6:262-265, 1895
Letter Luebo 8/3 1895. The Missionary 28:7:310, 1895
Letter Luebo 20/4 1895. The Missionary 28:9:410-411, 1895
Diary 9/5 1895-June 1895. The Missionary 28:10:437-439, 1895
Latest News from Africa / Letter Luebo 21/10 1895. The Missionary 29:2:51-52, 1896
Diary 10/7 1895-28/8 1895. The Missionary 29:2:72-78, 1896
Letter 18/11 1895. Death of Polly. The Missionary 29:3:118-119, 1896
Growth at Luebo (excerpts from letter). The Missionary 29:4:150, 1896
etter 20/11 1895. The Missionary 29:4:189, 1896
Progress at Luebo (excerpts from letter Luebo 7/1 1896). The Missionary 29:6:243, 1896
Letter, Diary. The Missionary 29:9:408-412, 414-418, 1896
Letter Stanley Pool 25/12 1897. The Missionary 31:4:169, 1898
Letter Luebo 24/2 1898. Dr Snyder's Return to Luebo. The Missionary 31:8:360-362, 1898
/partof/ Letter Luebo. Missionary Review of the World 11(n.s.):8:640, 1898
A Congo Graveyard. The Missionary 31:9:395, 1898
Letter. The Missionary 31:11:506-508, 1898
Letter. The Missionary 32:2:69-70, 1899
Letter 29/11 London 1899 (Good News from the Congo). The Missionary 33:1:4, 1900
Notes from Luebo. Letter Luebo 12/6 1900. The Missionary 33:10:457-459, 1900
Letter 5/1 1901 (The Luebo Church...). The Missionary 34:4:148-149, 1901
Letter Luebo 2/2 1901 (Growth on the Congo). The Missionary 34:5:197, 1901
Vanished African Bugbears - Letter Luebo 1/3 1901. The Missionary 34:6:274-276, 1901
Letter Leopoldville 2/4 1901. The Missionary 34:6:279-280, 1901
The Congo Missionary Conference. The Missionary 35:6:275-276, 1902

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