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The following 2 documents cover our "direct line" Genealogy to all the families that came to America. The document was split into two documents due to size.

  • The Index - Pedigree document contains just that, all pedigrees and an Index by LAST NAME for each individual in our line
  • Detail Info - The second document provides detail information on each individual within the Pedigrees. Some have more detail that others, but all have been tied to various books and other Genealogy informational outlets.

PEDIGREE and INDEX - Snyder Genealogy-all Families back to the Colonies V1.0

Snyder Genealogy-all Families back to the Colonies V1.0

  • Note: This is a large document 18 Meg.

Info on the Detail Document:

Most Genealogy books on the Colonial Immigrants follow the family line from the immigrant down through their children. This material follows from my parents, Donald and Margaret (Snyder) Petersen back to the all families to the immigrants that came to the Colonies.

I numbered each direct relative and provided an alpha character for each generation:

The generations begin with the union of the Margaret N. Snyder/Donald L. Petersen marriage in Aug 1947 and with their 4 children. Their Generation is Gen A. The parents of Don and Marny are Gen B, their parents, Gen C. This document only contains the families back from my mother Margaret Neal Snyder... Basically all our relatives through Gertrude Louisa Wood and her husband DeWitt Clinton Snyder.

You can e-mail me at Mark@Petersen.name

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