Welcome to the Petersen/Snyder Family Lineage page.

8 major families, Petersen, Snyder, Bercot, Herland, Hardenbergh, Blauvelt, Wood and DuBois.

Click here for Petersen

Click here for Bercot

Click here for Snyder

Click here for Herland

Click here for Wood

Click here for Hardenbergh

Click here for Blauvelt

Click here for DuBois

Additional Genealogy and other important family branches:

Full Snyder Lineage for all Families to their Immigration

WAR OF 1812

In 2012 we will celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812

A notable remark; Benjamin Franklin Wood was a captain in the War of 1812.
Click here
to read his auto biography.

Click here for The 12 French Patentees of New Paltz

Click here for Our Revolutionary War Ancestors

Click here for Detail of the Attack and capture of Catharine DuBois and others

Click here for OLDe Ulster Magazine article on Snyder Lineage

Click here for Gertrude Wood's hand written overview of 3 Families

Click here for Our Mayflower Ancestors

Click here for The migration of our Dutch ancestors

Click here for The Massacre near Old Tappan - Blauvelt Story

Here are the known Coat of arms for Snyder, Blauvelt, Du Bois, Hardenbergh, and Wood

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You can e-mail me at Mark@Petersen.name