Christian Lincoln Petersen Information & Parents

Ane Marie Jensen Buhl, Chris� original mother died during child birth with Chris, who was born in February 12, 1896. Chris was taken to the neighbor�s farm, that of Sam Petersen, also Danish, by Ane Marie�s 3 daughters; Anna, Olie, and Jean. The sisters knew if he went to the orphanage they may lose track of him through adoption. So, Christian Lincoln S�rensen�s name was changed to Petersen.

Johan Christian S�rensen, Chris� original father, died in a train accident prior to the birth of their son Christian.

Chris worked the farm with his step dad Sam and the 2 sisters, Jean and Olie kept close ties with him. Anna soon lost touch with the family. Chris�s responsibilities at the farm and the need to work allowed him to only finish 5th grade. The Petersen farm land later became a part of what is now Cleveland Hopkins airport. And, the original farm house was used for the airport office.

Chris later left the farm to work in the city, Cleveland, Ohio and became a salesman with a coffee company, CW Brand. At the time there were 6 salesmen and they became angry with their employer and discussed starting their own coffee company, Van Roy Coffee. Chris decided to leave as well but join the DeWitt Nash coffee company which was established in 1926 by two gentlemen DeWitt and Nash.

Nora Bercot, whom Chris would later marry, was originally from Indiana living in Fort Wayne and Angola at times. Her father worked on the railroad and was transferred to Berea Ohio where she eventually met Chris.

Later, Nora and Chris would buy out the remaining partner, Nash and Chris became president and owner the DeWitt Nash Coffee Company. The DeWitt Nash Coffee Company sold their brand named coffee 5th Avenue Coffee, out of the building on West 9th Street in downtown Cleveland. 5th Ave Coffee was originally sold to grocery stores in cans but later moved to servicing hotel and restaurants with coffee in bags.

Chris original parents were both born in Denmark

The following information was obtained from 2 books that Christian Lincoln Petersen had at his residence. The books are called Skudsm�lsbog or testimonial book in English. Chris passed away in 1977 and his wife Nora (Bercot) Petersen in 1995 at the age of 98. Their grandson, Craig Lincoln Petersen, (son of Donald Lincoln Petersen) inherited the house and the belongings within. Craig�s daughter Jennifer (Petersen) Tucker found the books and had them translated from Danish to English in 2005.

The testimonial books are records of the jobs that both Chris� original mother and father had while they lived in Denmark. Back then they only were allowed to change where they worked twice each year. In May and November so you will see that the hand written entries are from those months. It is a record of the work they did and who their employer was. Some of the hand writing was eligible and is noted as such.

The information in the books both end as of May 1883. This may be the time frame where Ane Marie Jensen Buhl and husband Johan Christian S�rensen decided to move to America.

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