Rev De Witt Snyder in the Congo - Dates: SEPT 18, 1892; thru March 1902
Background: In 2004 I found several articles from NY Newspapers about DeWitt Snyder and his time at the Congo Mission (1892-1902), at Luebo. Having read "Grandma's Story", it got me more interested in finding more about the 10 years at Luebo Africa.
Online, I met other researchers (past/present) also involved with the Luebo mission which helped in gathering addition information. I was put on to the Presbyterian Church Mission(s) Archives in North Carolina. I hired a reference analyst to dig through the Archives and find information on DW Snyder and the Congo Mission. She was able to provide me with photo copies of actual hand written letters, copies of the publication "The Missionary" articles written by Snyder and scans of actual mission photos from the time DW Snyder was there. The only thing left to do are the hand-written letters (or provide scans of the letters, since some hard to decipher).
- Mark L. Petersen

"The Missionary"
The Missionary is a publication put out by the Presbyterian Church from letters received from their various missions around the world. 35 New articles.

NY New Paper Articles Published
Both the New York Times and the Brooklyn Daily Eagle published some of the letters written by the Snyders.

Hand Written Letters
Letters hand written by:
- DW Snyder
- May H. Snyder d. May 27 1896 (First Wife)
- Gertrude L. Snyder (Second Wife) m. Oct. 10, 1899

Grandma's Story
Grandma's story was written by Gertrude Snyder in 1958.
It covers her life, plus her time in the Congo:

Actual Photos of Snyders at the Mission
These were the photos scanned by the researcher in NC

Additional Photos
Photos from around the Mission

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