Rev De Witt Snyder and Gertrude Wood Snyder
in the Congo - Articles from News Papers & Reference items
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Articles Printed in
Brookland Daily Eagle

Articles Printed in
New York Times

D.W. Snyder: Mission Work on the Congo Sep 18, 1896; Page 14

Rev and Mrs DW Snyder's wedding and their voyage to the Congo Oct 11, 1899; Page 5

DW - Canoe trip on River Ituri: Nov. 11, 1899; Page 27

Gertrude W Snyder: Amoung African Cannibals Nov. 19, 1899; Page 27

GW Snyder: Desolation of the Forest Feb 15, 1900; Page 32

GW Snyder: Mrs Snyder describes journey to Luebo in 5 short stories Aug 2. 1900 page 9

Writes of Congo Women - Describes Husbands' work: Mar 17, 1902; Page 3

GW Snyder: Baby Ana Celebration - Old Kuata, Bakiti Chief June 02, 1901

GW Snyder: Malummba Nkusa Cannibal Chief June 02, 1901

4 Articles; Death of Anna, Sad loss, Dr. Stays, Baby Laurence

  • Burning with Fever: May 31, 1901; Page 5
  • Baby Anna dies - "Mrs Snyder's Sad Loss": May 21, 1901; Page 5
  • Dr Snyder will Stay: Mar 17, 1902; Page 3
  • Meeting Laurence - "Met with their Baby": Mar 15, 1902; Page 20

(Matie), May Higinbotham Snyder: Dies May 27 1896
The Mission

DW Snyder Stops War
The New York Times

DW Snyder Speaks out against King Leopold
The New York Times

Other Miscellaneous Documentation:

40 References to Letters & DW Synder's Diary

Grandma's Story
By Gertrude Snyder 1958

Track Gertrude's voyage to the Congo
Power Point presentation

African Pictures Misc.

Actual Snyder Photos at Mission

Hand drawn Stanley Pool map

Full Page article - Snyder Home

Full Page article - Tribal Chiefs

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